Radiation is the process of emission and transfer of energy in the form of particles or waves. It travels through space and penetrates various materials in the form of light, heat, or sound. Comic books and series have led to many people believing that radiation can result in superpowers. Many people are left wondering if …
If you love exploring and learning new things about space, then you probably have seen this picture somewhere on the internet. Scientists call it the Pillars of Creation. A couple of astronomers from the University of Arizona had been fascinated for some time by the Serpens constellation, which is 7000 light years away from us. …
Photon, also called light quantum, is a tiny packet of electromagnetic energy. It moves at an amazing speed of 300,000 kilometers per second, It has no mass, and loses no energy! When photons hit a surface, they would scatter, and this scattering of photons from the surface of an object is what enables our eyes …
The H1N1 Flu virus killed more than 50 million people, Ebola killed more than 13,500 people and during the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, Covid-19 is close to killing more than 200,000 people worldwide. It looks like viruses are the true enemy of the human race. So have you ever sat down and wondered what would happen …
Origins Unknown, a massive super galactic force has been tipping off the mines NASA set across the planet to survey the observable universe. Like a volcano it spits out a gazillion amount of cosmic particles with velocity approaching light speed all across the universe. Billion times more powerful than the biggest supernova ever happened in …
We know plants can’t make any sound. They have been considered to be almost silent. But in a recent study, scientists have found that plants actually make a sound when under life threatening stress. They emit ultrasonic clicks. Which is completely inaudible to a normal human ear… Previously we already knew when under stress, some …
When we talk about life outside Earth.. Most people always think about solid planets like Mars or Venus and never think about gas giants like Jupiter or Saturn. So does that mean life on gas giants is not possible? Well… The answer can be both yes and no. Let’s try to think about the possibilities …
In the field of health and fitness there is a constant debate about which is worse for your health sugar or salt. While excess amounts of either is not good for your health we are going to look at the effects of both and talk about why one is more dangerous than the other. Why …
Everyone hates Carbon Dioxide these days. But did you know Oxygen is actually a slow poison which takes around 70 to 100 years to kill us completely? Ha ha Just kidding. But the Carbon Dioxide part is actually true. Because of us humans, Carbon Dioxide has turned into a huge problem for humans. So let’s …